Utilize sensor technology to create something that could disrupt Proctor and Gamble's current product ecosystem.
Utilize sensor technology to create something that could disrupt Proctor and Gamble's current product ecosystem.
Enter MIKA
MIKA is the result of a collaborative student team of two fashion designers, one industrial designer, and myself. Proctor & Gamble's Transformative Platform Technology Lab approached the University of Cincinnati with the brief and asked for us to come up with the solution. After research into current problem areas and opportunities related to P&G's area of work, my group focused on transforming the bathroom experience as a whole.
MIKA is based on the four areas: Sense & Desist, Sort & Select, Steam & Dream, and Set & Go. MIKA is designed to be both a functional and sensory experience. MIKA is a learning system that combined biological information from your body with exterior factors such as weather conditions to help you either prepare for the day ahead or unwind at night.
Environmental Awareness
MIKA was designed as a modular system to reduce plastic and chemical waste.
Much of the research done that led to the idea of MIKA was looking into trends; including consumer, technology, and environmental trends.
A video was created to help explain how MIKA could be used.
The entire project was based on heavy collaboration between the designers, trend research, and regular feedback from the client, P&G. My role in the project was focused heavily on research and concept development, as well as some production such as video editing. At the end of the semester our group presented the final concept back to P&G, and were chosen to receive a scholarship based on our concept as well as the ability to tell the story of MIKA.